Each Competition at Hamilton City Netball Centre has its own page with further information specific to the competition. These pages can be found linked off this page or under the futureFERNS tab.
In the Download section of this page is the Competition Dates and Competiton Fees
Once released on the 01 February each year the Competition Structure and Regulations will be available in the Download section of this page.

In 2019 we launched a new website, registration program and a new competition management system - Friendly Manager.
Support Documents for both Club Managers (or School Administrators) and Team Coach and Managers is available in the Download section of this page.
We are asking all Club Managers and School Administrators to login and update club/school details.
Club Managers/Administrators will receive an email with temporary login details and instructions on how to change the password for your account.
- The Club Manager/Administrators will login as the manager/administrator and manage clubs or school. The Club Manager/Administrator will be able to see draws, check club balances, and register teams.
- It is the job of the Club Manager/Administrator to create teams and team managers.
- Once Club Managers/Administrators create teams and team managers, the system will automatically send out an email to team managers with login details.
- The team manager will login and register players/coaches/umpires.
- After players/coaches/umpires have been entered, an email will be sent to them so they can update contact and details like date of birth.
Please contact us at admin@netballhamilton.org.nz or call the office at 07 847 4007