Centre Award develops basic umpire skills and knowledge
We recommend that you complete the Introduction to Umpiring Award (ITU) first before registering for Centre Award if you have not umpired before. The Introduction Course includes an introduction to the rules and a practical session. https://netballhamilton.org.nz/umpires/introduction-to-umpiring-award
If you have completed the ITU Award or have been an umpire in the past or have a good understanding from being a player or coach then you can register for Centre Award.
There are 3 parts to achieving your Centre Award
- Complete the Online Learning to Umpire Module
- Coaching by Umpire Coaches
- Practical assessment on a 40-minute game

Cost: $80
Registration includes:
- Coaching by HCNC Umpire Coaches for up to 2 seasons
- Centre Award Assessment with report
- HCNC umpire shirt on completion
- HCNC Umpire Badge on completion
- Further development opportunities
- None
- ITU Award is recommended
- Previous umpiring experience is recommended
To register click on the Register button on this page You can register at anytime during the season.

An Umpire Coach will observe you during games and help you with how you can improve your umpiring.
The Umpire Coach will also provide feedback and and give you some items to work on towards your assessment. They will also let you know when you have been assessed.
To receive umpire coaching you will need to sign in at the Registration Office each week to let us know when and where your games are.

Anyone at anytime can complete the Learning to Umpire Module.
Go online to the Netball NZ Website and complete the Learning to Umpire Module.
Click on the following link https://www.netballnz.co.nz/netball-nz/community/umpiring.html
- Click on ‘Sit an Exam’.
- Click on ‘Click Here to Sign Up’. This will open another page, where you will need to follow the prompts to register.
- Once you have registered you can complete the module.
- Click on Search Learning (top menu) and select Netball NZ Catalogue, then
- On the left hand menu, select Umpiring (2)
- Select Learning to Umpire (Click on the picture or the wording)
- Select Enrol
- Once completed you need to click on the button and your certificate will open in another window
- Save a copy of your certificate.
- Email me us your Certificate - manager@netballhamilton.org.nz
More detailed instructions with photos are available on this webpage to download