Introduction to Umpiring Award

Introduction to Umpiring (ITU) is the first step to becoming an umpire.  

Whether you want to join the Netball NZ umpiring pathway, umpire your local school team or you are a player, parent or spectator who wants to increase their game knowledge, you are welcome to complete the ITU course. 

There are 3 parts to achieving your ITU Award

  1. Attend an ITU course  - either 1 full day of 5 hours or 2 x 2 hour sessions
  2. Complete the Online Learning to Umpire Module 
  3. Complete ITU Checklist 

Minimum age is 13 years

ITU Award Registration

Cost: $80

Registration Includes:

  • ITU Course with resource booklet
  • Red Umpire in Training shirt
  • Whistle
  • Online Learning to Umpire Module
  • Practical Coaching and Observations by HCNC Umpire Coaches for up to 2 seasons 
  • Support to complete the ITU Checklist
  • Further development opportunities


  • None - all welcome: new umpires, players, parents, spectators

To register click on the Register button on this page You can register at anytime during the season.  The course dates are listed below.

ITU Course

ITU Courses are either on one full-day or two x 2 hours sessions = total of 4 hours of learning. 

  • Full-Day Course: The theory & practical sessions are on the same day.
  • Two Session Course:  Day 1 theory, Day 2 practical 

Once you have completed the ITU course you will be able to:

  • Identify and use umpire communication tools
  • Identify areas the umpires manage and where players can play
  • Manage match responsibilities - protocols
  • Demonstrate a basic application of the rules of the game
  • Demonstrate basic actions that an umpire takes when a player infringes
  • Understand basic umpire positioning, vision and timing (PVT)
  • Umpire a practice game. Demonstrate skills and show the beginnings of reflection on your own performance.

2025 ITU Course Dates

To register click on the Register button on this page

Course 1 - 16th April - Wednesday - 9am to 2pm

Course 2 - 22nd April - Tuesday - 9am to 2pm

Course 3 - 12th and 19th May - Mondays - 6pm to 8pm

Course 4 - 11th and 18th June - Wednesdays - 6pm to 8pm

Course 5 - 3rd July - Thursday - 9am to 2pm

Course 6 - 11th July - Friday - 9am to 2pm

Course 7 - 21st and 28th July - Mondays - 6pm to 8pm

Online Learning to Umpire Module

Anyone at anytime can complete the Learning to Umpire Module.

Go online to the Netball NZ Website and complete the Learning to Umpire Module. 

Click on the following link

  • Click on ‘Sit an Exam’.
  • Click on ‘Click Here to Sign Up’. This will open another page, where you will need to follow the prompts to register.
  • Once you have registered you can complete the module.
  • Click on Search Learning (top menu) and select Netball NZ Catalogue, then
  • On the left hand menu, select Umpiring (2)
  • Select Learning to Umpire (Click on the picture or the wording)
  • Select Enrol
  • Once completed you need to click on the button and your certificate will open in another window
  • Save a copy of your certificate. 
  • Email me us your Certificate - 

More detailed instructions with photos are available on this webpage to download

ITU Checklist

An Umpire Coach will observe you during games and help you with how you can improve your umpiring. 

The Umpire Coach will also provide feedback on what has been achieved on your checklist and and give you some items to work on. They will also let you know when the Checklist is complete.

To receive umpire coaching you will need to sign in at the Registration Office each week to let us know when and where your games are.

ITU courses in Schools or Clubs

Yes we can deliver an ITU course at your school or Club!

We can run this as a one day course of 5 hours (including breaks) or as 2 x 2 hour sessions (1 theory and 1 practical).  Depending on our Facilitators availability it can be run either during school hours or after school or weekends.

The cost is $300 for up to 12 students; $600 13-24 students; $900 25-36 students

The cost includes a resource book and whistle.  We can also include a Red Umpire in Training shirt for each participant at an additional cost of $40 per participant.

For the theory portion we need a classroom or space where the students can be seated and the facilitator has access to a TV screen or projector.

For the practical portion we need 2 x netball teams or people willing to form teams so that the students have games to practice on. 

Contact Phone: (07) 847 4007

Contact Email:

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