Community Coach Award 2

The NNZ Community Coach Award Level 2 (CCA Level 2) has been created to provide an in-depth knowledge to support netball coaching at Community level.

There are seven modules plus coach observation in total to complete CCA2.  You do not have to complete all modules at once.  

NNZ Coaching | Why you should attend workshops:  Click on this link to watch NNZ video

NNZ also have FREE online learning modules can access, as well as online learning modules for CCA modules. *See attached 'Sport Tutor Online Learning Guide' document to gain free access to online modules

For more detailed information on each module download descriptions on the right hand side of this page.

CCA2 Modules

The follow modules are to be completed to achieve CCA2 Award:

All modules have an online conponent to complete before attending module. *See attached 'Sport Tutor Online Learning Guide' document to gain free access to online modules

  • Tournament Planning - Mental Skill - Game Analysis

    • Saturday 9th March 2024: 9pm-4pm

      • Each module is approx. 2hours

  • Centre Pass - Circle Work - Through Court [Attack & Defence]

    • Saturday 23th March 2024: 9am-4pm

      • Each module is approx. 2hours

  • Developing Physical Capacity

    • Wednesday 24th July 2024: 6pm-8pm

  • Practical Observation 

    • To be organised once all other modules are complete. Please contact HCNC Development Co-ordinator. 

To register: click on the 'Register' button at the top of this page.

Venue: all modules are held at Hamilton City Netball Centre

Cost: $25 per module

Any other queries please email Irene -

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