Community Coach Award 2

The NNZ Community Coach Award Level 2 (CCA Level 2) has been created to provide an in-depth knowledge to support netball coaching at Community level.

Interested in one or a few module topics but not the full award? Awesome! You can register for only what topics interest you. For more information on each module, see below

To achieve the CCA2 award, there are seven modules plus coach observation to complete. You do not have to complete all modules in the same year. The modules are: 

  • Tournament Planning
  • Mental Skills
  • Game Analysis
  • Centre Pass
  • Circle Work 
  • Through Court [Attack & Defence]
  • Developing Physical Capacity

To register: click on the 'Register' button on this page.

Venue: all modules are held at Hamilton City Netball Centre

Cost: $25 per module

Any other queries please email Irene -

CCA2 Modules - NEXT DATES for 2025 below!

All modules have an online component to complete before attending module. *See attached 'Sport Tutor Online Learning Guide' document to gain free access to online modules

Each module is approx. 2hours

Tournament Planning
Sunday 9th March 2025 - 9am-11am

To provide coaches with tools and tips to help prepare for tournaments.

By the end of this module coaches will be able to: 

  • Understand how to enable each player, and the team as a whole, to have a positive experience at tournament, both on and off the court
  • Understand how best to prepare players both physically and mentally for the tournament
  • Understand key planning processes and considerations to help prepare for the campaign
Mental Skill
Sunday 9th March 2025 - 11am-1pm

To introduce key mental skills concepts and techniques. 

By the end of this module coaches will be able to: 

  • Understand growth vs fixed mindset 
  • Understand four mental skills techniques 
  • Design activities that integrate mental skills into practive to meet the needs of all players and/or the team
Game Analysis
Sunday 9th March 2025 - 1.30pm-3:30pm

To provide coaches with tools and systems to analyse game play, conduct team-talks and develop a game plan. 

By the end of this module coaches will be able to: 

  • Identify a tactical aspect of the game and develop a tool to analyse it
  • Collate, summarise, and reflect on information about the tactical aspect of the game
  • Develop a game plan
  • Develop and implement a team-talk based on the information collected from analysis
Centre Pass
Sunday 6th April 2025 - 9am-11am

Provide coaches with the basic tactical principles for the centre pass. 

By the end of this module coaches will be able to: 

  • Understand the tactical principles that can be adopted during a centre pass
  • Understand the centre pass strategies 
  • Design and deliver activities required for the development of the centre pass 
  • Deliver centre pass activities that incorporate the tactical principles for attack and defence
Circle Work
Sunday 6th April 2025 - 11am-1pm

Provide coaches with an understanding of the attacking and defending circles.

By the end of this module coaches will be able to:

  • Understand the principles required for game plans involving circle attack and circle defence 
  • Demonstrate knowledge on how the shooters can work together in the circle to increase scoring opportunities
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how the circle defenders can work together to create turnovers
  • Develop player profiles for shooters and circle defenders 
Through Court [Attack & Defence]
Sunday 6th April 2025 - 1.30pm-3:30pm

Provide coaches with the basic tactical principles for through-court play on attack and defence.

By the end of this module coaches will be able to:

  • Understand the tactical principles that can be applied through-court on attack and defence
  • Design and deliver skill activities to help the development of skills used in through-court attack and defence
  • Deliver through-court activities that incorporate the tactical principles
Developing Physical Capacity [DPC]
Thursday 3rd April 2025 - 6pm-8pm

Provide coaches with the information and skills necessary to enable them to plan and implement fundamental concepts of smart preparation, smart warm up and cool down, smart movement, training and injury management with their players, teams, and squads. 

By the end of this module coaches will be able to: 

  • Understand the philosophies and practices of NetballSmart in particular - Smart Preparation, Smart Warm up and Cool down, Smart Movement, Smart Training, and Smart Injury Management
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the physical requirements for netball at a community level
  • Apply fundamental injury prevention principles for netball
Practical Observation

To be organised once all other modules are complete. Please contact HCNC Development Co-ordinator. 

NNZ Coaching

Why you should attend workshops:  Click on this link to watch NNZ video

NNZ also have FREE online learning modules can access, as well as online learning modules for CCA modules. *See attached 'Sport Tutor Online Learning Guide' document to gain free access to online modules

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